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Selene is the Titaness of the Moon, currently unscibred.


Know Your Goddess

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair Color: Platinum colored hair

Facial Hair: N/A

Eyes: Steel Blue Eyes

Distinguishing Features: Very Pale Skin with a crescent moon birthmark on her right shoulder blade


Parents: Hyperion and Theia

Siblings: Helios and Eos

Spouse: Endymion (Former)

Children: Fifty daughters with Endymion; Pandia and Ersa with Zeus


Selene is the head talent agent for the Crescent Talent Agency, with offices in New York, L.A., Paris, and London. With her head office in L.A., she has hired staff to do the groundwork for her and she only deals with A-listers.


She resides mainly in Los Angeles but has residential quarters at all of her office locations for convenience.

Personal Information

General Overview: As a titan and creature of the night, she doesn’t need sleep. Day is for work, night is for play. She has a passion for the waters of earth and all life that lives within it. As a mortal pun, she chose to work with celebrities, or “stars”. With her knack for being a keen observer and her endearment for mortals, she wanted something that kept her around them. She loves the energy the mortals give her and the way they can enjoy a good time.

Deity Nicknames: Moonbeam to her friends and family,

Likes: Enjoys: dancing at clubs and attractive mortals. Helping animals

Dislikes: Careless and polluting mortals. Arrogance, in all forms and beings


Dark Side of the Moon. Selene has no tolerance for arrogance in others. She has even less tolerance for betrayal. Those that choose to exhibit these traits see a side of Selene that no one else sees, a side the light has never touched. This side of her is cold and ruthless and capable of things Selene would normally feel remorse for doing.

Skills / Abilities

Immortality. Technically immortal. Immune to the effects of aging, cannot die by any conventional means, and is immune to all known mortal diseases and infections. As a deity, they are able to teleport, or "pop" anywhere in the mortal plane with a few exceptions, the God Floors of the GC HQ are mystically protected, so no teleporting to or in between them, anything on the non-mortal plane, i.e., the Underworld, Atlantis, and the Void, are non-accessible without a guide.

Mother Tongue. As the bridge between the mortal world and the divine, they speak all languages mortals do, even the long dead ones.

Lunar Glow. Selene can appear to literally glow with ambient light, especially in times of high emotion. When she is out of control emotionally, this can sometimes be inconvenient. When she is in control, it is lovely and even helpful.


Normal Daily Wear: Business attire, power suits

Nightly Wear: Shiny Club attire

Magical Artifacts/Weapons

Chariot: Selene has use of her chariot and two steeds in a pinch but doesn’t rely on them often.

Historical Synopsis

Selene – Greek: “Moon”; Latin – Luna. In Greek and Roman religion, the personification of the moon as a goddess. She was worshiped at the new and full moons. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her parents were the Titans Hyperion and Theia; her brother was Helios, the sun god (sometimes called her father); her sister was Eos (Dawn). In the Homeric Hymn to Selene, she bears the beautiful Pandeic to Zeus, while Alcman says they are the parents of Herse, the dew. She is often linked with Endymion, whom she loved and whom Zeus cast into eternal sleep in a cave on Mount Latmus; there, Selene visited him and became the mother of fifty daughters. In another story, she was loved by Pan. By the 5th century BC, Selene was sometimes identified with Artemis, or Phoebe, “the bright one”. She was usually represented as a woman with the moon (often in crescent form) on her head and driving a two-horse chariot. As Luna, she had temples at Rome on the Aventine and Palatine hills.[1]

  1. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (24 November 2019). Selene.